M.I.S. is associate degree signifier for Management data system (MIS). it's a system or method that has the knowledge required to manage organizations effectively. Management info systems area unit thought to be a set of the general internal controls/ procedures in an exceedingly business, that cowl the appliance of individuals, documents, technologies, and procedures utilized by the management employees of a company to resolve business or educational issues like cost accounting a product, service or a business-wide strategy, application, registration and result computation. Management info systems area unit distinct from regular info systems therein they're accustomed analyze alternative info systems applied in operational activities within the organization. Academically, the term is often accustomed ask the cluster of knowledge management strategies tied to the automation or support of human higher cognitive process, e.g. call Support Systems, knowledgeable Systems, and govt info Systems.
Because of the increasing demand for info by the assorted sectors of the economy, info Technology has become terribly necessary for each sector to pick. economic process can not be achieved while not on-line activities. to realize that, in 2009, the Management of school of Education, Jalingo underneath the leadership of Mr. Joseph Sule Isa, saw the necessity to automatize its educational method to effectively management and manage all educational programmes electronically. Therefore, the school went into partnership with i-4cus African nation Ltd, associate degree ICT company that designed the school portal. The portal constitutes the school web site and result management info. For effective management of the portal, it became imperative for the school to determine associate degree MIS Unit because the engineering or brain box of the automation. With this, the Management data system Unit (MIS) was established in February, 2010.