Here is more from their promotional email...
Teachers will now be able to instantly send home voice notes to parents using ClassDojo Messenger. Recording a quick voice note can be even easier than typing a message, and will only help strengthen the relationship between school and home. Voice Notes can be sent either as a broadcast to all parents, or privately to an individual parent.
The biggest reason Voice Notes are important is one that teachers know very well: relationships with students and their parents need a very human touch. When parents hear the empathy, passion and excitement in a teacher's voice, much stronger bonds can form!
Voice Notes on ClassDojo Messenger is being released for early teacher users today! Teachers can sign up to join the wait list here: http://www.classdojo. com/voicenotes
Learn more about ClassDojo Messenger here: http://www.classdojo. com/messenger
*ClassDojo is an advertiser of Technology Tidbits.