Below is a list of their other features...
- Make videos just like before combining photos, video clips, voice, text and drawing. Use up to 100 images, and make videos up to 30 minutes long. All limits/purchases on the consumer version have been removed and the app will be free for edu use.
- Search the Library of Congress, NASA, Creative Commons, or generic web/gif search for awesome content to include in videos. A citation page is automatically added to the end of the video. We're super excited about the potential here in social science and science classes—our search tools make it possible to access and use amazing content from Library of Congress and NASA in a way we haven't seen any other apps do.
- Common Core-aligned activity ideas to make it easy to get started using Shadow Puppet Edu in English, social studies, science, math, art and foreign language classes.
- Controls to disable web image search. Parental gates for sharing and the ability to disable/enable those as well.
I highly recommend checking out Shadow Puppet Edu by clicking here!!!
To find Shadow Puppet Edu on Edshelf click here.
For my Pinterest board on Digital Storytelling click here.