The way this works is a teacher signs in (using the free BoomWriter portal for creating/managing student accounts) and selects the WordWriter tab. The educator then creates a WW project and selects which students to assign the project to. After that, a word bank is developed (batch upload feature still to come) by typing in a word that a teacher wants to reinforce and develop for those students. From there, teachers can type instructions to help guide students on their learning. Students then login and using the very friendly user-interface create short stories or sentences that best use those words.
That's it!!
The innovative BoomWriter technology highlights the words used so a student doesn't have to keep track of the ones they use. Also, teachers through the educational portal can assess students and see which projects are waiting to be approved or revised w/ the ability to leave comments.
Finally, students through using assigned vocab words and completing the assignment as well as through BoomWriter's collaborative voting process can earn "Boomer Bucks" to modify their avatar/Boomer. This makes it highly motivating for students as they can develop their character and track how many times their projects have been voted on.
WordWriter is an ideal tool for helping w/ vocabulary, developing reading and writing skills, as well as easy to integrate into any subject or curriculum.
I highly recommend checking out WordWriter by clicking here!!!
For more on WordWriter check out their press release here.