Wednesday, 28 October 2015
STEM Skills Challenge- Plastic Cup Pyramid
This week's challenge is the Plastic Cup Pyramid. Using a rubber band and some string, students will fashion an apparatus that will transfer plastic cups from their current configuration into a pyramid. This is a great challenge to build communication and teamwork skills. For teams that finish early, reverse the challenge and have students complete it without talking. Now that's a challenge!
STEM Skills Challenge Handout: Plastic Cup Pyramid
Tuesday, 27 October 2015
The Brown Bag STEM Challenge II- Hot Air Balloons
Tissue Paper
Glue Sticks
Copy Paper
Hair Dryers (with "low" or "cool" setting) OR
Hot Air Popcorn Popper
In this challenge, student begin by building the same hot air balloon. I like to have teams of three for this project, simply because it is more involved and requires students to follow specific directions for this first round. I'm also a bug fan of assigning jobs, so I prefer to divide up the work like this:
- Navigator- Reads the directions to the team
- Surveyor- Makes any measurements and checks work
- Manufacturer- Glues, and assembles materials
Students follow the directions to build this balloon using the directions and test it, being sure to record their "flights" using 30 seconds of hot air. Once students establish a time to beat (I usually let each team launch once and average their times to get the time to beat.)
Then, students will design their own hot air balloons striving for them to stay aloft longer.
So, what did we learn?
Next Generation Science Standards: Planning and Carrying out Investigations, Designing Solutions; Obtaining, Evaluating and Communicating Information CCC- Patterns, Scale, Proportion, and Quantity
CCSS Math: Measurement and Data, Geometry, Ratios and Proportional Relationships
Monday, 26 October 2015
Admissions Open - Karachi University

Admissions are open in Karachi University(KU) for 2013 session.
Admission process would start from November 11,2012.First,D-Pharmacy admissions will begin then Entry tests would held for Business Administration,Public Administration,Computer Science,Chemical Engineering,Bio Technology and Environmental Studies programs.Admission Test in these programs would held from November 30 to December 4,2012.Admission form price is Rs. 1000 for these faculties.Open Merit forms will be available for Rs. 600.
For more information visit KU website :
Sunday, 25 October 2015
SSC Part 1 General Group Results
Board of Secondary Education,Karachi announced the results of SSC Part 1(General Group) yesterday.
15097 students have cleared all the papers.SSC Part 1(Science Result) is expected after the Eid.
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
STEM Skills Challenge- Newspaper Table
Forbes Magazine researched the 10 most critical skills that employers are looking for in candidates and found that the majority of these critical skills are STEM skills. The top three skills? Critical Thinking, Complex Problem Solving, and Judgement and Decision Making.
This week, students will get to practice all three of those skills as they work on this week's Skills Challenge. Students will work with a team to build a sturdy table out of nothing more than newspaper and masking tape that will hold the most weight. Much like the real world, teams will be challenged to use only the resources provided and work within design and time requirements. May the best team of designers win!
STEM Skills Challenge Handout: Newspaper Table
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
The Brown Bag STEM Challenge II- Slingshot Gallery
Slingshot Targets*
Rubber Bands
Craft PomPoms
Popsicle Sticks
Other Fun Found Objects
*Download the Slingshot Targets sheet and photocopy it onto cardstock. Students will cut the targets apart and fold them to test their slingshot designs.
For this Challenge, students are tasked with building a working slingshot that will knock down the designated targets from a distance of 60 cm (24 inches). Students can work in pairs, but I like each student to design and build their own slingshot. It shows more ownership and also results in each student having their own data to analyze later.
In addition to establishing a required distance to "fling" from, I like to also require other parameters based on age group (Everyone must use at least 4 different supplies.) or based on available supplies to increase the difficulty (Everyone must use a paper cup in their design.) Adjusting these parameters allows me to differentiate the challenge, even within the same classroom.
So, what did we learn?
Next Generation Science Standards: Planning and Carrying out Investigations, Designing Solutions; CCC- Patterns, Systems and System Models
CCSS Math: Functions,Expressions and Equations
Thursday, 15 October 2015
Marshmallow Launcher STEM Challenge

Say those words to your students and you're sure to get a reaction. Who doesn't want to have a little fun by designing and building a marshmallow slingshot? But this isn't just a time-filler; it's a great little STEM challenge for kids of all ages. Using some basic supplies, students can review the Engineering Design Process and embark in this design, build, test project.
Start with some basic supplies for each team:
- 2 toilet-paper tubes (or 1 paper-towel tube, cut in half)
- Tape
- Single-hole punch (optional)
- Pencil pen or marker
- 2 thin rubber bands
- Scissors
- Marshmallow (Large)
What are your design requirements? We've already outlined the required supplies (and you can modify these based on availability), so we just need to define the challenge. Should we design a launcher that:
- will launch a marshmallow the furthest? (distance)
- will hit a designated target? (accuracy)
- will keep the marshmallow aloft the longest? (time)
For an inspirational video to introduce this lesson, visit the PBS Kids Design Squad page. (There are also detailed instructions for building a specific kind of launcher, but that takes the fun out of the challenge!)
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
STEM Skills Challenge- Paperclip Airplanes
This week's challenge is an individual challenge that will exercise student creativity as well as math skills.
For this challenge, students will work individually to design and construct a paper airplane that will carry the maximum amount of paperclips the farthest distance.
This tricky little challenge will require some thought and planning in working with multiple variables, but will help students to think critically about how to obtain the highest point value.
STEM Skills Challenge Handout: Paperclip Airplane
CNG Closure and Students

Students are being greatly affected by the CNG closure of two days in Karachi.CNG stations in Karachi remain close from Friday 9 a.m for 48 hours every week due to which there is very less or no public transport on the roads.
A large number of students travel in Karachi by the public transport and so during these days they have to face difficulty reaching their schools/colleges/universities or coming back home.Some of them use Qingqi riskshaws to reach their destinations.Government should look into this matter and do some alternative arrangements for students.
Tuesday, 13 October 2015

I highly recommend checking out Thinkrolls by clicking here!!!
*The game will be released this Thursday Oct 16th.
Below is a brief demo video...
Thinkrolls - Official app trailer from Avokiddo from Avokiddo on Vimeo.

I highly recommend checking out TeleStory by clicking here!!!
For more information check out Edshelf.
For my Pinterest board on Digital Storytelling click here.
Click here for more info.
Teachley: Mt. Multiplis

I highly recommend checking out Teachley: Mt. Multiplis by clicking here!!!
For my Pinterest board on Educational iOS Apps click here.
*Teachley is an advertiser of Technology Tidbits.
The Brown Bag STEM Challenge II- Lilypad Launch
Plastic Eggs
Frog Patterns
Transparent Tape
Paint Stirrers (Wooden Rulers or similar)
Empty Water bottles
Other found items
Students work in pairs to construct a mechanism that will launch their plastic frog to a height tall enough that a student can catch it. Students first construct their frogs by cutting out the pattern and taping it to the front and back of the egg. They should bend down the frog legs so that the frog sits on the lilypad.
Using the supplied materials, students can construct their mechanism. Most students design a sort of see-saw/catapult contraption using the ruler or the paint stirrer, but the items provided by the teacher may frame the challenge differently.
So, what did we learn?
Next Generation Science Standards: Asking Questions and Defining Problems, Planning and Carrying out Investigations, Designing Solutions; CCC- Patterns, Cause and Effect, Systems and System Models
CCSS Math: Operations and Algebraic Thinking, Functions,Expressions and Equations
Sunday, 11 October 2015

I highly recommend checking out Bluster by clicking here!!!
For a more detailed review check out Graphite.
For my Pinterest board on Game Based Learning click here.
Students torture Principal of DCET

Activists of a student political party tortured Arshad Baig,the principal of Dawood College of Engineering and Technology(DCET) today.
Teachers have boycotted the classes in protest till further orders.
Admissions Spring 2013 - IBA

Online forms for BS (Computer Science,Economics & Mathematics),MBA,MS & PhD will be available from October 18,2012 at IBA website.Last date of form submission is November 14,2012.
For more information visit this link.
Saturday, 10 October 2015

Right out of the box Ozobot is a synch to sync up by just placing the little robotic orb on the calibration card. That's it, a person can also calibrate on their mobile device (i.e. Android, iPhone/iPad, etc) by displaying a white image set to 50% brightness and pressing the button on the side. For a cool little light display and to watch the Ozbots (2 in a box) in action place them on the colored "race track" and watch them go and light up to specific colors.
There are also 5 super fun games that can be downloaded for free (OzoPath, OzoDraw, OzoLuck, OzoGroove, and OzoRace. Click here for more information on these games; some are multiplayer & some allows the Ozobots to dance and draw. There are also paper templates that can be printed out that people can use w/ their Ozobots. A person can even draw their own track in colored marker and watch the Ozobot go!!!
More detailes:
- Independent Decisions - via Random Logic
- Autonomous Cruising - via Precision Line-Sensing
- Intelligent Gameplay - via Optical Commuication
- Visual Feedback - w/ Multicolor LED Lighting
- Thrill or Chill Speeds - using Dual MicroMotos
Below is a brief demo video...

I highly recommend checking out Homeroom by clicking here!!!
For more info check out Edshelf.
For my Pinterest board on Educational iOS Apps click here.
Friday, 9 October 2015
Flashcard Ninja

I highly recommend checking out Flashcard Ninja by clicking here!!!
For my Pinterest board on Game Based Learning click here.
For more info check out Edshelf.
Thursday, 8 October 2015
Admissions Open Spring 2013 - Iqra University

Admissions are open in Iqra University for Spring 2013 semester.
Last date of form submission : November 20,2012
Aptitude test on December 2,2012
For Admission form and other information visit this link.
NED,KU,JUW,College buses looted despite Operation
Despite the operation in Karachi by the Rangers and Police,4 points/vans of educational institutions have been mugged in Karachi by the miscreants.
It all started on September 3,when armed men looted the Karachi University(KU) point near Banaras Chowk.Armed men snatched the money,mobile phones and other valuables from the students.Later an FIR was registered due to the protest by the students.Second incident occured on September 28 near Karachi University when unknown men stopped the Jinnah University for Women(JUW) van and looted the valuables from the girls.
On October 1,NED University point was looted in the Nazimabad area.Last incident occured on October 8,when a college van was mugged in the Nazimabad area.Students lost their cell phones and watches in the incident.
Police said they have indentified the people involved in looting the KU and NED points,and claimed they belong to a political party that have presence in Pashtun dominated areas.Efforts were made to arrest these culprits.
Students have asked the higher authorities to provide their buses proper security.
Wednesday, 7 October 2015
STEM Skills Challenge- Gumdrop Bridge
This series focuses on those skills as well as the other "soft-skills" that aren't necessarily spelled our in the curriculum, but make students well-rounded problem solvers.
This week's challenge is the Gumdrop Bridge. In this challenge, students work in teams to design and build a bridge that will span 10 inches. Sounds like a pretty easy challenge, but as students start experimenting with their materials of gum drops and toothpicks, they will find that there is more there than beats the eye.
This fun little challenge encourages students to work on team building, collaboration and communication skills- more of those soft skills- that help students become successful in a workplace environment.
STEM Skills Challenge Handout: Gumdrop Bridge
I highly recommend checking out Solvy by clicking here!!!
For more info check out Edshelf.
Below is a brief demo...
Tuesday, 6 October 2015
Teach Your Monster to Read
I highly recommend checking out Teach Your Monster to Read by clicking here!!!
Below is a brief video...
Entry Test held at NED
Admission Test for Academic Session 2013 was held at NED University of Engineering and Technology today.
7,633 students gave the the test for 1952 seats.1700 seats are for regular and 253 for self-finance scheme.
Entry Test Result can be seen from this link.
Full Steam Ahead

Here is some more info...
● Eight ship building challenges posed by your guide, Brunel
● Discover the capabilities of iron versus wood in the construction of your ship’s hull
● Explore the difference between paddles and the screw propeller
● Earn investor confidence to get more money for bigger and more complex ships
● Learn about the design and construction of the ss Great Britain
● Find out about the history of the ss Great Britain and the challenges she overcame in her working life
● Can you build a ship to rival the ss Great Britain?
I highly recommend checking out Full Steam Ahead by clicking here!!!
For more info check out Edshelf.
For my Pinterest board on Game Based Learning click here.
Monday, 5 October 2015
The Brown Bag STEM Challenge II- Marble Madness
Bathroom Cups (3 oz)
Sentence Strips
Foam Board (20x30)
Other Found Objects
This challenge is a great way to get kids thinking more deeply because the challenge is to complete the course the slowest. Each team must create a course for their marble using piece of 20 x 30 foam board. Students can use any found items that you provide, but I like to make sure to include sentence strips because they are thicker than regular paper and can easily be folded into marble tracks. I also like to provide some fun items like bathroom cups, cotton balls, cardboard tubes and paperclips to make creating the course more fun.
So, what did we learn?
Next Generation Science Standards: Asking Questions and Defining Problems, Developing and Using Models, Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions; CCC- Patterns, Cause and Effect, Scale, Proportion and Quantity
CCSS Math: Measurement and Data, Geometry, Ratios & Proportional Relationships
Math Blast

I highly recommend checking out Math Blast by clicking here!!!
For more info check out Edshelf.
For my Pinterest board on Game Based Learning click here.
Science Bits

I highly recommend checking out Science Bits by clicking here!!!
For a more detailed review check out Graphite.
Youtube BAN and Pakistani students!
It's more than a year since YouTube was banned by the Pakistan Government due to the objectional content present on Youtube about the Holy Prophet(P.B.U.H).
Instead of banning those particular links,the former government banned the whole YouTube website in Pakistan.This has caused great trouble for the students who use YouTube as the major learning platform available on Internet.From Mathematics to Biology,Physics to Computer Science,there is content available about everything on YouTube.Denying access to these material has caused trouble for every student whether he/she is in school or doing research.
Some students who know about proxy websites and applications manage to get access to YouTube but most of them are not aware of these proxy servers.
Newly formed government should lift the ban on YouTube and work for some alternatives for better censorship control.
Sunday, 4 October 2015
Story Bug

I highly recommend checking out Story Bug by clicking here!!!
For more info check out Edshelf.
For my Pinterest board on Educational iOS Apps click here.
NED bus looted at Nazimabad
NED Unviersity point got mugged today in the Nazimabad area of Karachi today.Around 50 students were on bus when unknown miscreants stopped bus at Nazimabad,looted Mobile Phones and Cash from the students and managed to fled away easily.Later,students protested in front of the Rangers Headquarters.
Similar incident was occured few weeks ago with the Karachi University(KU) point in the same Nazimabad area.Students have requested the higher authorities to take notice of the issue and provide their buses security.
Saturday, 3 October 2015
SlideShare Presentations

I highly recommend checking out SlideShare Presentations by clicking here!!!
For more detailed information check out Edshelf.
MarcoPolo Weather

Here is some more info...
•Control 9 different weather conditions: sunny, partly cloudy, cloudy, rain, thunderstorm, snow, blizzard, tornado, and hurricane.
•Choose from 4 different wind speeds – make a pinwheel spin or even fly a kite!
•Adjust the temperature – see the environment change as you go from hot to cold in both Celsius and Fahrenheit.
•Play with 3 mini-games and 55 interactive elements. You can plant flowers and make them bloom, melt an igloo, or have a snowball fight!
•Interact with 3 wacky characters that respond to the weather choices you make: you can dress them in light clothes when it’s hot, give them hot drinks in the cold, or hand them umbrellas when they're wet.
•Add flowers, birds, a snowman or a picnic basket to the scene and see how the different weather types affect them.
I highly recommend checking out MarcoPolo Weather by clicking here.
For more detailed information check out Edshelf.
For my Pinterest board on Educational iOS Apps click here.
Party activists attack students at IBA
Activists of student faction of a religious political party forcibly entered the IBA Main Campus situated inside KU and attacked the IBA students with sticks and stones.
According to initial reports,an event was organised by the IBA Marketing Club at the Main Campus where students from both the campuses were present.Suddenly,activists of a student group entered the IBA premises with sticks and guns and tortured the students present there.Some reports suggest that music was being played so loudly and that became the reason of the attack.
Admissions Open in Virtual Studies - Karachi University
Last date of form submission : October 10,2012.
Friday, 2 October 2015
Sphero: Orb Basics Lesson 3
Objectives (aligned to Common Core Math Standards)
- Create a short OrbBasic program that changes the color of the Sphero when it senses that it is in the air.
- Create another OrbBasic program that recognizes when Sphero collides w/ another object and then changes color.
- Create a third OrbBasic program that sends the Sphero in a random direction after the collision.
For my Pinterest board on iOS Apps for the Sphero click here.

I highly recommend checking out Pick-a-Path by clicking here!!!
For my Pinterest board on Game Based Learning click here.
For more info check out Graphite.