"Today through November 30, teachers can visit pbslearningmedia.org/
The “Get Your Tech On” content collection features themed resources designed to help teachers integrate digital media and technology into curriculum. From gaming and coding to 3D printing , the Get Your Tech On Collection represents some of the best content in the PBS LearningMedia library, which offers more than 87,000 digital resources for PreK-12 educators nationwide.
PBS LearningMedia will also offer free professional development resources for teachers, including how-to guides and webinars. “Get Your Tech On” webinars include:
- Transform Your Classroom: Digital Resources You Can Use Tomorrow
September 17, 2014 at 6pm EST
Teachers will be able to jump-start lesson planning with blended learning teaching tips, tools and media-rich content from America’s largest classroom. Real-world teachers will highlight how they are using digital media from the PBS LearningMedia library to inspire their teaching and personalize the learning experiences for their students.
- Hot Tech Tools for Today’s Classrooms
October 14, 2014 at 6pm EST
This webinar is designed for teachers looking to take their teaching into the digital age but not sure how to do it. K-12 tech expert Leslie Fisher (@lesliefisher) hosts a dynamic show-and-tell session with the latest and greatest tools and technologies that can impact the 21st century classroom. Leslie will discuss everything from integrating apps to augmented reality.
- Tips for Building Successful 1:1 Classrooms
October 28, 2014 at 7:00pm EST
There is a lot of buzz about 1:1 classrooms, but not always what effective 1:1 implementation looks like in the real world. A panel of 2014 PBS LearningMedia Digital Innovators will share practical tips and tools for using new platforms and technologies to support student learning and collaboration.
- How to Integrate Game-Based Learning in Your Classroom
November 12, 2014 at 7pm EST
Teachers are now tapping into the allure of video gaming while communicating key curricular topics. Gaming experts Alan Gershenfeld from E-Line Media and Rebecca Rufo-Tepper from the Institute of Play will explore the power and potential of gaming in the classroom. Alan and Rebecca will share practical strategies and best practices while highlighting free games and interactives that can take teaching to the next level.
To explore the new design, discover new resources, or participate in the Get Your Tech On initiative, visit pbslearningmedia.org.