
Monday 14 September 2015

How Does STEM Improve Student Learning?

Research shows us the implementing STEM education does indeed improve student learning.  The real question here is HOW?

STEM education is a very interesting blend of interpersonal skills, and content skills- both of which are needed and desired in the ever-growing STEM workforce regardless of if the level of education the job requires.

In addition to meeting grade level curriculum requirements, STEM helps students to grow in areas that aren't necessarily measured by the state curriculum or even classroom assessments, but that are necessary skills that contribute to a student's self-worth and confidence.

Some of those interpersonal skills that we often overlook due to all of the administrative pressures are communication, critical thinking skills collaboration, project management, decision making, problem solving, stress management, etc.  STEM naturally build these skills by placing students in real-life project situations that not only require their understanding, but also their application.  As a result, it makes STEM education a powerful tool for students and teachers.